Bee Sober Blog

Tips for Surviving the Office Christmas Party Sober by Bee Sober

15 November 2023

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Christmas can be challenging for those of us who are sober. Among the many obstacles we face during this time, the office Christmas party is the ultimate test. Making small talk with colleagues you've daydreamed about stapling can be nerve-wracking. It's uncomfortable watching your boss stumble on the dance floor while you're stuck conversing with Derek from accounts. And don't even get me started on the minefield that is the office Secret Santa. The typical British solution is to drown any potential awkwardness in alcohol. But if you're newly sober or trying to abstain, fear not! It is possible to survive the Christmas party, completely sober, and actually have fun. Here are 10 tips to help you navigate the event:

  1. Dress up: Treat yourself to something new to wear, get your nails done, and style your hair. Looking good on the outside will boost your confidence on the inside.

  2. Put things in perspective: Yes, it's uncomfortable to engage in polite chit-chat with your line manager. But would alcohol really make the situation better? Will getting drunk suddenly make you best friends? Unlikely.

  3. Remember, alcohol isn't the source of fun: We've been conditioned to believe that alcohol possesses magical properties, but in reality, it's you who brings the fun, not your drink. Alcohol merely numbs your brain.

  4. Fake it till you make it: Put on a smile and commit to an hour of making genuine efforts. Act like you're genuinely enjoying yourself, and who knows? It might just become a reality.

  5. Prepare an explanation: It's nobody else's business, but people can be nosy. You can choose to answer honestly or not, but sometimes it's easier to lie when having a conversation in a noisy bar.

  6. Choose non-alcoholic drinks wisely: Overdoing it on sugary, caffeine-filled drinks will only give you a jittery buzz. Opt for tonic water or fizzy water in a fancy glass with a slice of lime to pass as a G&T.

  7. Always have an escape plan: Ensure you have the freedom to leave whenever you want. If you're giving others a ride to the party, make it clear that they'll need to find their own way back.

  8. Remember, it's just one night: A good night out depends on various factors, such as your mood, the venue, the music, and the company. One disappointing night is just that – one night.

  9. Plan ahead: Arrange something enjoyable for the following day as a sober treat. You deserve it!

  10. Look on the bright side: When you're sober, the chances of insulting your boss, engaging in inappropriate behavior, or making regrettable decisions are significantly reduced. And that's definitely a good thing.

So, don't fret about the office Christmas party. With these tips, you can navigate the event confidently, have a great time, and stay true to your sober journey. Trust me, it's worth it.

Article Source - Lisa Elsworth Co-Founder of Bee Sober CIC


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